A Competition Between the Businesses

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Corporate shooting days have been pretty popular at the local shooting area. Businesses will come there with their employees and have fun outings for team building. Some of the business owners have come up with an idea of having a competition between the businesses. They want to take the top shooters from each business and put them up against each other for a prize. To determine the to shooter, each business would have to go to the shooting area once for their own corporate day. I like the idea of businesses shooting against each other, and hope that I can make the team if the idea is finalized.

At the last shooting day that I went to, I did pretty well among the workers. I went from not being able to shoot at all because of bad aim, to being able to hit most of the clay pigeons that are shot into the air. Becoming that good at shooting isn’t something that simply happens over night.Read more: A Competition Between the Businesses

Jadhav’s mother and wife suffer because of google, tata sponsored R&AW employees bengaluru shivalli brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar, veena, ruchika, siddhi ‘s dhokha

Home / Uncategorized / Jadhav’s mother and wife suffer because of google, tata sponsored R&AW employees bengaluru shivalli brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar, veena, ruchika, siddhi ‘s dhokha

The indian media especially india today and gaurav sawant are claiming that pakistan mistreated Jadhav’s mother and wife, however they are not aware of the fact that the indian government, R&AW , cbi have become so notorious for LIES FRAUD AND CHEATING that no one including the indian citizens can trust the indian government, R&AW, cbi .

For example google, tata sponsored R&AW employees bengaluru shivalli brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar, wife of tata power special electronics division cheated the domain investor, indore fraud veena stole the documents, ruchika cheated and refused to reply, siddhi mandrekar committed corporate espionage, sunaina defamed the google competitor and are not doing any work online, yet the indian government, NTRO, R&AW, cbi has a long tradition of cheating and lies shamelessly make fake claims that these conwomen are online experts, domain investors at the expense of the real domain investor who is being cheated, exploited.

When the indian government , R&AW, ntro are so shameless and ruthless in committing endless frauds on their own citizens , how can a hostile nation like pakistan be expected to trust jadhav’s mother and wife? They will naturally take precautions to prevent dhokha, as R&AW, cbi, ntro are notorious for dhokha, cheating and lies of their own harmless hardworking honest citizens.

Fraud ntro employees j srinivasan, puneet’s fake TEAM stories ruthlessly exploited the google competitor

Home / Uncategorized / Fraud ntro employees j srinivasan, puneet’s fake TEAM stories ruthlessly exploited the google competitor

The shameless powerful fraud ntro employee puneet was aware of the fact that his lazy greedy mediocre girlfriends were least interested in doing any work online, However in a clear case of brutal exploitation of the google competitor , he made up completely fake stories that the google competitor had a team of his sex worker, fraud girlfriends like riddhi, siddhi, sunaina, nayanshree hathwar, so that his lazy greedy girlfriends could get lucrative R&AW/cbi jobs with salary without doing any work at all at the expense of the google competitor.
Earlier in Mumbai, everyone would acknowledge the fact that the google competitor was very hard working , so she was respected, and deserved the money.
However in goa, the shameless ntro fraud employees puneet, vijay, j srinivasan, parmar, patel and others are falsely claiming that their lazy greedy goan sex worker, cheater housewife and other fraud girlfriends, who are actually not doing any work, are working online, in a very cheap attempt to defame, cheat and exploit the google competitor
So the google competitor has to waste a lot of her time and her money to expose the fraud of the ntro employees and their fake stories of online work, so that people at least acknowledge that she is the domain investor and paypal account holder alone, no one is helping her in any way at all in goa . The google competitor spends very less time online compared to most other people.

After sex, money, now powerful men like NTRO employees fake relationships to steal resumes, correspondence of vulnerable women

Home / Uncategorized / After sex, money, now powerful men like NTRO employees fake relationships to steal resumes, correspondence of vulnerable women

Cases when men lure or dupe gullible women to enjoy sex with them, steal their hard earned or other money are very widespread and after they have got enough money and sex, the woman is dumped, with the man refusing to reply to the woman who he cheated. The woman can file a case with the police against the person who has cheated and exploited her, however it is difficult to get justice when powerful men are involved.
However in a new trend initiated by powerful fraud ntro employees, the fraud ntro employees led by light eyed brahmin cheater puneet are faking their relationship with vulnerable single women like a harmless google competitor, domain investor to steal her resume, correspondence, savings, memory, to get their real girlfriends lucrative R&AW/CBI jobs with the stolen resume, improve their career and get bribes for their seniors.
After stealing the resume, savings, correspondence, memory of the harmless single woman engineer, the fraud ntro employees led by puneet have conveniently dumped the google competitor, and are now saying that they have nothing to do with her.
However unlike the women who are cheated for sex and money, the indian government refuses to acknowledge the fact that the fraud ntro employees have also cheated the google competitor exploiting her after making completely fake claims about the relationship

No one talks about cheater brahmin men especially in intelligence and security agencies

Home / Uncategorized / No one talks about cheater brahmin men especially in intelligence and security agencies

La Salesiana

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A Quora member who called GSB men players found that her/his answer was collapsed in Quora, and said that she/he was telling the truth, and no one is talking about it. It is harsh reality of the indian internet sector that the endless frauds of top officials are never documented, especially if they are brahmin men unlike the united states where citizens are free to write about frauds online
In addition to being cheated and exploited by GSB and other brahmin men like puneet, j srinivasan, vijay, parmar, patel the domain investor legally owning this website has been told that she has been cheated by the shivalli brahmin cheater ntro/R&AW employee hathwar , yet is not getting any justice
However when she is talking about the fraud,cheating of brahmin and other men, she is being labelled a security threat, her mental sanity questioned. These brahmin men pamper frauds like the indore document robber R&AW employee housewife veena who looks like actress deepika padukone
This is the reason why sexual harassment cases are filed against indian IT sector officials only in UK, USA not in India, because women who talk about sexual exploitation, cheating and harassment are falsely labelled a security threat, denied their fundamental rights

From Quora

Nobody will tell you this but GSBs are the most backward people on earth. They will never marry outside of their own GSB community. So in the end, it’s all going to be incest.

They think they are better than other brahmins but in the end they are just a bunch of losers who think being born into a particular community makes them special. It doesn’t !!!

The GSB men are players. They will fool you with their fake sweetness and break your trust and your heart. They will use you and manipulate you. They are heartless and spineless and will never stand up for what is right.

Edit: Writing the truth gets your answer collapsed. I really don’t know what I should change. I wrote about a fact that no one will really be speaking out loud. The reason I have upvoters for this answers, and all GSBs BTW, is because this is the unspoken truth. Why do I need to improve the answer then ? I was asked for an unknown fact and i gave one.

People here have written that GSBs are scholars and successful in thier fields. So is that how we judge people now, only by how successful they are ? How useful is all that success when you are still backward in your thought process and consider caste to be an important factor in a decision as big as choosing a life partner.

The fact that we are discussing caste here is in itself a big fail for me. But I gave you my opinion, which is what I have seen in multiple cases not just one or two.

Duping top indian intelligence and security agency officials is very lucrative in India

Home / Uncategorized / Duping top indian intelligence and security agency officials is very lucrative in India

Once indore cheater housewife veena and others duped top intelligence and security agencies with their lies about domain names, paypal account, it became very lucrative for her and others, because these officials have big egos, are status conscious, ambitious and are aware of the fact that admitting their mistake, will affect their reputation and career at the time of their next appraisal.

So when powerful men make a mistake, they do everything possible to cover up their fraud and mistake, wasting more indian tax payer money in the process. Indian leaders and other officials fail to realize that the top officials are not like to admit their mistake readily as it affects their reputation

A third person will have to use facts to prove that these top officials are making fake claims, are liars and there is no one willing to do so as the leaders are not very efficient and honest. Unlike the united states, where the intelligence and security agencies are questioned by the senate, in India intelligence and security agencies are free to do whatever they wish resulting in NIXI fiasco.

Goa call girls help indian men overcome dhokha

Home / Uncategorized / Goa call girls help indian men overcome dhokha

Many men who have cheated or betrayed by their girlfriends or wives prefer to enjoy the services of call girls in Goa as there is no emotional involvement, so the possibility of dhokha is less. As many senior intelligence and security agency employees are enjoying the services of goan sex workers, and have got them top indian intelligence jobs, no action is taken against the call girls, their pimps, so it is easy to enjoy the services of call girls in goa. There are also a large number of hotels in goa, where men can meet the call girls without being disturbed.

Men from all over India flock to goa to enjoy themselves as top officials in the government, intelligence and security agencies have a very liberal outlook towards sex tourism , and young women providing sex services to government employees allegedly hold senior intelligence positions in Goa with fake resumes, have great powers . In most places in India, the local community will take action against those providing sex services, however tourists visiting goa can enjoy the services of goa call girls without facing any kind of harassment or censure. The phone number of call girls are sometimes listed in public places, however most men looking for call girls can contact the many websites online providing call girl services.

Low profile fraud NTRO employee vijay, girlfriend riddhi nayak beats another ntro liar puneet in his impersonation fraud on google competitor

Home / Uncategorized / Low profile fraud NTRO employee vijay, girlfriend riddhi nayak beats another ntro liar puneet in his impersonation fraud on google competitor

Compared to the fraud domlur director NTRO employee puneet , the cheater ntro employee vijay keeps a lower profile, however vijay has beaten puneet in the great impersonation fraud committed on the google competitor, a single woman bhandari engineer, domain investor
Though the puneet backed gsb fraud siddhi has got great powers, it appears that in panaji, at least goan gsb fraud housewife cbi employee extortionist riddhi nayak has become extremely powerful as the photos of her look alike bollywood actress kangana ranaut are being featured in the local newspapers in goa almost daily
It appears that goan gsb fraud intelligence and security agency employees are making the extortionist riddhi nayak, their face and are asking all those interested in doing business in panaji, to include riddhi in the name
Some examples of those who have been allegedly duped are
– exhibition in panaji in november 2017, was opened by a fashion designer named riddhvi
– cable television channel in panaji launched recently, named bhimariddhi digital
More updates on riddhi sightings in panaji, goa will be reported regularly to alert people about the fraud of the shameless goan gsb mafia in panaji, goa hiding behind the good looking google, tata sponsored goan gsb fraud cbi employee panaji extortionist housewife riddhi nayak
Even ntro mumbai is realizing the extent of the online fraud of the goan gsb cheaters riddhi siddhi, periodically sending emails for riddhi siddhi pharma machinery, they do not target anyone else among the 10 lazy greedy google/tata sponsored frauds as they realize that others have less powers compared to the shameless goan gsb frauds R&AW/CBI employees riddhi siddhi who are impersonating the google competitor to get a monthly indian government salary.

To mentally harass, fraud puneet makes promises , increases expectation levels

Home / Uncategorized / To mentally harass, fraud puneet makes promises , increases expectation levels

The google competitor never expected anything from the government or other agencies, companies other than selling advertising on her websites and some domains , fundamental rights, and complete control over her hard earned money. However in a very cruel form of mental torture, the cruel ntro employee puneet, creates the illusion that the google competitor is eligible for some lucrative prize or reward or lucrative assignment, which she does not get at all because she refused to give his lazy greedy sex worker , cheater friends credit
In reality the google competitor would never get any position or assignment because all government positions are reserved for the relatives, friends and those offering bribes like indore cheater housewife veena and good looking, charming women,
However the fraud ntro employee puneet is always looking for an excuse to stalk, sexually harass, monitor, the google competitor to steal her resume, so he falsely claims that she is being considered for a position, so that he can stalk her wasting indian tax payer money
It is time that NTRO, indian government is honest that all positions are reserved for well connected, good looking charming women and leave the google competitor, a private citizen alone as this fraud has caused great losses to her since 2010.

Falsely claiming to help , brahmin cheater ntro employee puneet destroyed the life of google competitor.,exploiting her

Home / Uncategorized / Falsely claiming to help , brahmin cheater ntro employee puneet destroyed the life of google competitor.,exploiting her

Most people who make mistakes will try to help the person who has suffered due to the mistake, however the shameless cunning fraud ntro employees puneet, vijay, parmar, patel, j srinivasan, not only do not help in any way, they also refuse to acknowledge their mistake as they lack humanity.

When they are only interested in good looking women, why interfere in the life of a harmless google competitor, put her under surveillance, divert and steal her correspondence without her permission or legally valid reason.
Every indian citizen has the right to use the internet, yet the shameless section 420 fraud puneet wants to falsely claim that his lazy fraud girlfriends veena, deepika, siddhi, ruchika, nayanshree, sunaina greedy cheaters who are not spending any time online,not doing any work online, have not answered JEE are doing the work online to justify the monthly salary these google, tata sponsored frauds are getting.
Instead of being honest and having the humanity to admit that he has already exploited and cheated the google competitor a lot, leave her alone, the shameless cruel animal like fraud puneet continues to dupe people with his complete lies, defaming, cheating and exploiting the google competitor.
The fraud powerful puneet is aware that his favorite cheater girlfriend brahmin nayanshree has not replied to the google competitor after looting her of more than Rs 1.1 lakh and is not writing any content, yet he continues to dupe people with his content related lies
Just because the google competitor is complaining about the financial fraud, he is falsely labelling her a security threat to defame, cheat and exploit her further