Actress Sridevi was allegedly killed for her money

Home / Uncategorized / Actress Sridevi was allegedly killed for her money

The death of Sridevi again exposes the fact that most men will ruthlessly exploit a woman for her money. As the Rajya sabha member Subramanyam swamy correctly pointed out, the death of sridevi appeared to be planned
The assets of sridevi are valued at Rs 300 crore and allegedly her husband and his family may have been involved in the crime.
As the marathi news channels were reporting, it was extremely surprising that her husband Boney Kapoor returned to Dubai, from Mumbai, when he was in dubai just a few days ago to surprise her.
The death was also not reported to the police immediately, he allegedly called a friend.
The dubai police questioned Boney kapoor for 18 hours according to marathi news channels. Sridevi’s blood relatives have said that she was extremely unhappy in the marriage . Media reported that Boney kapoor’s son Arjun Kapoor was harassing sridevi, whose existence, he did not acknowledge.

Even Shobhaa de mentioned that it was extremely ironic that sridevi’s body was kept at Celebrations sports club, as if causing her death was celebration of a cruel sport on her. This is typical of india today, powerful people like ntro employees puneet, parmar, j srinivasan, and others falsely pretend to know and care for a person whose life they are doing everything to destroy, and destroying the life of a person is a sport for them.

Compared to the young people a few decades ago who were honest and willing to work hard, the current generation of young people, like google, tata sponsored R&AW/cbi employees ruchika king, siddhi mandrekar, sunaina chodan, nayanshree hathwar, deepika,riddhi nayak, asmita patel, indore fraud veena and others like arjun kapoor are extremely ruthless, greedy, dishonest without any humanity, and will do anything to make money, get power. For example the domain investor paid a lot of her hard earned money to ruchika king, nayanshree hathwar, however they are ruthless like arjun kapoor, and want to grab the domain investors money, so they refused to reply to her after they and their associates had stolen the money.

So though the indian intelligence and security agencies are ruthless in harassing single indian women, especially those who are unmarried, they fail to understand that getting married to the wrong person can lead to murder like sridevi’s alleged planned death.

Voice to skull technology used by NTRO employees to make google competitor work very hard like a slave in goa, while defaming her as an idle person

Home / Uncategorized / Voice to skull technology used by NTRO employees to make google competitor work very hard like a slave in goa, while defaming her as an idle person

Usually in most places, if a person is working very hard, everyone will at least acknowledge the fact that the person is working very hard.
However in panaji, goa, the google competitor finds that she is working very hard, yet being defamed, cheated and exploited as the shameless fraud ntro, cbi, raw, security agency employees are wasting indian tax payer money to dupe people that various google, tata sponsored goan sex workers, cheater housewives and other frauds like slim goan bhandari sunaina chodan, gsb fraud diploma holder siddhi , riddhi nayak, veena, naina,nayanshree hathwar and other fraud raw/cbi employees who have never spent any time online are doing the work, to get all these lazy fraud women government salary at the expense of the google competitor
Using voice to skull technology the brahmin fraud ntro employees puneet, j srinivasan, allegedly promised her that she would get something, if she had a team and allowed others to get credit.
However after 8 years, the google competitor has not got anything, while the google, tata sponsored frauds have never spent any time and money online, yet have got credit with the help of their powerful fraud relatives, friends, lovers, sugar daddies , and a monthly indian government salary at the expense of the google competitor.
So now the google competitor is realizing that the ntro employees are shameless frauds, involved in breach of promise, so now she is telling the truth that the 10 google, tata sponsored fraud R&AW/cbi employees are not doing any work at all, have almost never done any work, have no skills and experience,. and it is time that ntro employees stop defaming her as a idle person, doing no work and are honest about their banking/paypal fraud the sex services of sunaina, siddhi they enjoy, the bribes they get from naina, riddhi, nayanshree, veena, asmita patel, ruchika and other raw/cbi employees

Cunning fraud NTRO employees puneet, j srinivasan,parmar intentionally rewarded frauds making fake defamatory allegations without any proof against google competitor

Home / Uncategorized / Cunning fraud NTRO employees puneet, j srinivasan,parmar intentionally rewarded frauds making fake defamatory allegations without any proof against google competitor

In 2018, it is now clear that the shameless Cunning fraud NTRO employees puneet, j srinivasan,parmar, patel, vijay intentionally rewarded frauds making fake defamatory allegations without any proof against google competitor, to ruin her reputation, finances and life, so that they could defame, cheat, exploit and torture her for the rest of her life, and get their lazy greedy friends and relatives lucrative R&AW/cbi jobs with the stolen resume, savings, correspondence, memory of the google competitor

It is now clear that it was a very well planned fraud conspiracy of these fraud ntro, google, tata employees who falsely claim to be very worried about honesty,when actually it can be easily and legally proved that they are greatest FRAUDS AND LIARS in the world protecting and rewarding frauds who are making completely fake allegations against a harmless single woman domain investor only to extort her hard earned money, ruin her life . 8 years later, these fraud ntro employees have refused to provide any details of their fraud friends who they rewarded falsely claiming to HELP the google competitor.

These fraud ntro employees are very cunning charming frauds, almost everyone believes their lies,so the google competitor has to waste her time exposing these fraud ntro employees who are defaming her with their complete lies.

FAKE allegations, fake help of powerful fraud NTRO employees to steal real savings, correspondence, resume of single woman bhandari engineer

Home / Uncategorized / FAKE allegations, fake help of powerful fraud NTRO employees to steal real savings, correspondence, resume of single woman bhandari engineer

The savings, resume, correspondence, memory theft on a harmless citizen was not justified in any way,however led by cruel section 420 brahmin fraud ntro employee puneet who was FAKING HELP, fraud ntro employees made the following excuses/fake allegations to steal everything from a harmlesss single woman bhandari engineer
– fake black money
– fake money laundering
– fake security threat
– fake online security
– fake protection from cbi raid
– fake security for house
– fake protection from fake cases

Initially itself cbi had no legally valid proof, some money was required for home purchase, and repairs,and they would not raid

Now that they have stolen everything in 8 years, faking help, all the fake security they also offered has disappeared, FAKE HELP is exposed and surveillance has made it easier for frauds to break into the house, however the section 420 fraud ntro employees are refusing to give back the savings, correspondence, resume, that they have stolen without a court order or legally valid reason.

Bribed by google, tata ntro falsely claims that lazy greedy goan sex workers offering sex services are online experts, paypal account holder

Home / Uncategorized / Bribed by google, tata ntro falsely claims that lazy greedy goan sex workers offering sex services are online experts, paypal account holder

In one of the greatest sex rackets, banking frauds, Bribed by google, tata ntro falsely claims that lazy greedy goan sex workers sunaina, siddhi offering sex services are online experts, paypal account holders when these sex worker R&AW employees have never made any money online and have never invested any money online in their life.
While the ntro, raw, cbi, security agency employees may be very pleased with the sex services of goan sex worker raw employees sunaina, siddhi mandrekar, they should have the grace and honesty to admit that these young goan women are great sex workers , and are free to adverttise the fact
They have no right to falsely claim that their favorite goan sex workers are online experts , domain investors, only to DEFAME a google competitor, deny her the income and opportunities she deserved

Getting My Moles Removed for More Time in the Sun

Home / Uncategorized / Getting My Moles Removed for More Time in the Sun

I was always afraid to be outside in the sun without my skin being covered. I wanted to have a little more freedom to enjoy swimming, hiking and riding my bicycle. Golf would be more fun too if I was not wearing long sleeves. I decided to get my moles removed so I did not have to worry about them having sun exposure. I went to an aesthetic medical clinic in Singapore to have the procedure done. The doctor there was able to have all of the moles off in a few minutes. I had four that I waned removed. It was quick and painless.

I grew up being afraid of being in the sun and having a mole change color.Read more: Getting My Moles Removed for More Time in the Sun

Brahmin, goan bhandari fraud ntro employees falsely claim lazy greedy goan bhandari R&AW employee panaji prostitute sunaina chodan offering them sex services owns paypal account of bhandari single woman engineer

Home / Uncategorized / Brahmin, goan bhandari fraud ntro employees falsely claim lazy greedy goan bhandari R&AW employee panaji prostitute sunaina chodan offering them sex services owns paypal account of bhandari single woman engineer

The cunning fraud liar Brahmin fraud ntro employees are ruthless in DEFAMING cheating and exploiting hardworking bhandari professionals, falsely claiming google, tata supplied lazy greedy goan bhandari R&AW employee panaji prostitute sunaina chodan offering them sex services, who does not do any work online, does not invest any money online, owns paypal account of bhandari single woman engineer to pamper and give great powers to the bhandari panaji prostitute R&AW employee at the expense of the bhandari single woman engineer, domain investor
The shameless dishonest fraud goan bhandari and brahmin officals do not want hardworking honest bhandari engineers to do well in goa all positions are reserved for their lazy greedy bhandari SEX worker relatives like sunaina and other frauds like indore document robber veena
Bank details, income tax returns will legally and easily prove that shameless fraud goan bhandari, gsb, shivalli brahmin, gujju officials and leaders are involved in a major SEX, BRIBERY RACKET, financial, paypal fraud since 2010 allegedly bribed by google, tata

Why does the indian government blindly trust a fraud who wastes his money on escorts and falsely claim that sex workers , cheater housewives were his engineering classmates

Home / Uncategorized / Why does the indian government blindly trust a fraud who wastes his money on escorts and falsely claim that sex workers , cheater housewives were his engineering classmates

India is a poorly governed country because the indian government blindly believes in the lies of a fraud ntro employee brahmin cheater puneet who wastes all his money on escorts and falsely claims that goan sex workers, cheater housewives like nayanshree hathwar were his engineering classmate to get all these lazy fraud women lucrative R&Aw/cbi jobs at the expense of his classmate who he hates.

He also encourages all other frauds like j srinivasan, parmar, patel, vijay to follow his footsteps in stealing the resume, savings of his btech 1993 ee classmate.

Why is private citizen expected to tolerate the endless frauds , lies of a government employee who hates her a lot and is giving fake references of a btech 1993 ee degree to his lazy greedy mediocre fraud inexperienced girlfriends

When will shameless BRAHMIN FRAUD NTRO employee domlur director puneet, j srinivasan and others end their FAKE REFERENCE FRAUD

Home / Uncategorized / When will shameless BRAHMIN FRAUD NTRO employee domlur director puneet, j srinivasan and others end their FAKE REFERENCE FRAUD

The google, tata sponsored bengaluru shivalli brahmin R&AW employee cheater housewife nayanshree only has a 2005 bbm degree from bhandarkars college of arts and science kundapura,udupi, karnataka, no work experience and the only content writing was cheating a single woman engineer, domain investor of her hard earned money. However she managed to seduce a powerful shameless BRAHMIN FRAUD NTRO employee domlur director puneet, j srinivasan and others into giving her fake references falsely claiming that she had written content for the websites of the google competitor when actually she had not written any content at all to get a lucrative monthly government salary at the expense of the google competitor.

Now the brahmin fraud ntro employees have agreed that they have nothing to do with the domain investor, they had never contacted her in the last twenty five years, so on what basis are the fake references given by the ntro employees to their lazy greedy mediocre, fraud girlfriends like nayanshree hathwar, VALID, why are these lazy greedy women getting a monthly salary with the fake references given by crooked shameless ntro employees at the expense of the google competitor,

Just because their classmate is working in the indian internet sector, why do fraud powerful ntro employees have the right to steal her resume,savings, correspondence, memory, plants and get their lazy greedy mediocre inexperienced girlfriends, lucrative raw/cbi jobs with the stolen resume at the expense of their classmate who is denied the income and opportunities she deserved.

The ntro employees made the mistake of giving fake references to their girlfriends, no one would have objected if they had got a job with the real resume of their girlfrends , lazy mediocre inexperienced fraud women with no skills, no work ethic and no risk taking ability. The powerful fraud ntro employees have huge egos and are refusing to admit their mistake, forcing their victim to waste her time and money trying to get justice, expose the lies of the ntro employees.

why does google, tata sponsored KARNAL haryana greedy lazy R&AW employee BLACKMAILER FRAUD MBA HR ruchika kinger not open her own paypal account

Home / Uncategorized / why does google, tata sponsored KARNAL haryana greedy lazy R&AW employee BLACKMAILER FRAUD MBA HR ruchika kinger not open her own paypal account

R&AW employees like yadav, mitra are quick to defame anyone criticizing R&AW on Quora as being liars, however the fact remains that R&AW employees like google, tata sponsored KARNAL haryana greedy lazy R&AW employee BLACKMAILER FRAUD MBA HR ruchika kinger (who looks like miss world manushi chillar) are involved in a major banking, financial fraud falsely claiming to own the paypal and bank account of a harmless google competitor to get a monthly R&AW salary at the expense of the google competitor
The google, tata sponsored KARNAL haryana greedy lazy R&AW employee BLACKMAILER FRAUD MBA HR ruchika kinger (who looks like miss world manushi chillar) initially extorted money from the google competitor with the help of her powerful fraud boyfriends punet, verma and others, and then managed to blackmail india’s top fraud ntro employee the brahmin cheater puneet to steal the resume, savings, correspondence of the google competitor a R&AW job at the expense of the google competitor
Being a shameless animal like fraud after the haryana cheater ruchika got her R&AW job GREEDY LAZY FRAUD RAW EMPLOYEE ruchika king refused to talk to the google competitor, yet shamelessly and falsely claims to own the paypal account of the google competitor to get a monthly indian government salary
INCOME TAX RETURNS, BANK DETAILS will expose PAYPAL FRAUD of google, tata sponsored KARNAL haryana greedy lazy R&AW employee BLACKMAILER FRAUD MBA HR ruchika kinger who is working in american mnc
An open question to R&AW, CBI, NTRO, indian government why does google, tata sponsored KARNAL haryana greedy lazy R&AW employee BLACKMAILER FRAUD MBA HR ruchika kinger NOT LEGALLY open her own paypal account with her own PAN number , bank details, why falsely claim to own bank, paypal of the google competitor a private citizen who she has defamed, refused to reply