In one of the greatest financial frauds, sex rackets of indian intelligence and security agencies, BRIBED by google, tata, indian Intelligence, security agencies label harmless obc bhandari engineers as security threat without any proof at all to enjoy free lifetime sex with google, tata supplied goan sex workers, get lucrative R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence jobs for their inexperienced mediocre lazy fraud relatives, friends with the stolen resume, investment of the harmless obc bhandari engineer
These indian Intelligence, security agencies claim to be very honest, patriotic, worried about tax evasion yet they have no qualms in making completely fake allegations without any proof against a harmless obc bhandari single woman engineer, wasting crores of rupees for more than 7 years, trying to find non existent proof, and wasting tax money on their lazy greedy fraud relatives, friends who they know are not doing any work online, not investing any money online
Due to the lack of honest obc bhandari leaders who can fight for obc bhandari professionals subjected to identity theft, this google, tata masterminded online fraud has continued for more than 7 years since 2010