As they are extremely status conscious, NTRO employees have never communicated with the google competitor at any stage of their life, yet they are very cunning, and have shamelessly misused her name, stolen her resume, retirement savings, correspondence, memory to waste her time and money, ruin her personal, professional reputation, finances and life.
These powerful cunning ntro employees are not honest enough to use the real resume, investment of their lazy greedy mediocre inexperienced girlfriends, when giving them fake references, they shameless claim that their girlfriends have the impressive resume of a woman they hate, a google competitor who is also india’s largest female domain investor
The google, masterminded fraud started in 2010, and though their lazy greedy fraud risk averse girlfriends who they have got R&AW/CBI jobs are least interested in doing any work online, investing any money online, they continue to shameless defame, cheat and exploit the harmless google competitor wasting indian tax payer money. As a result the google competitor is wasting a large part of her time, exposing the dhokha, lies and fraud of the ntro employees, who are also using voice to skull technology to taunt repeatedly causing great mental stress.
Month: October 2017
Google, tata, ntro, cbi employees are selfish, greedy frauds involved in domain fraud
Few can match the selfish, greed of google, tata, ntro, cbi employees as they ruthlessly defame a harmless google competitor , steal her savings, reward everyone who cheats her with raw/cbi jobs and then falsely claim that these frauds cheating the domain investor, own the domain names of the google competitor.
Renewing domain names is very expensive, yet the google, tata sponsored fraud R&AW/CBI employees are least interested in paying the market price of the domain names, they only want to make fake claims, take credit and get a salary.
Tired of the cheating, exploitation, the google competitor is slowly selling the domain names, at least one domain less to renew, for whom is she keeping the domain names which are not making any money, when ntro, cbi, indian government refuse to acknowledge the hard earned money she is spending and falsely give all the frauds who cheated her credit and a monthly indian government salary. It is easy to sell namecheap domains as the marketplace is very actively promoted.
If the google, tata, ntro, cbi, raw employees had any honesty and humanity, they would have at least gradually purchased all the domain names from the google competitor, whose resume, savings they have stolen and whose domains they falsely claim to have.
Finding a Place to Have Our Family Holiday Party
We were looking for a unique way to have a family get-together during the holidays. We were discussing whose house we would all gather at when someone suggested we have a Christmas party in Bristol at the shooting school where we all go to shoot sporting clays. I thought that might be fun, so I looked into it. A shooting holiday party sounds fun. We are a competitive bunch, and an opportunity to bring out the shotguns and shoot some sporting clays seemed like a great time. If we could have the meal catered, then there would be no need for the pot luck type of meals we had been having on holidays.Read more: Finding a Place to Have Our Family Holiday Party
Indian government policy of offering R&AW/CBI jobs for cheating SMEs leads to negative job growth
The negative job growth in India in the last few years is largely due to the indian government policy of offering lucrative R&AW/CBI jobs to all those who cheat SMEs , small business owners in India , falsely claiming that the fraud has the impressive resume, investment of the small business owner who the frauds cheated.
Some well known examples of fraud R&AW employees pampered by NTRO, CBI, and the indian government are the shivalli brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar who cheated the domain investor of more than Rs 1.1 lakh, goan gsb fraud diploma holder siddhi mandrekar who committed corporate espionage, indore cheater housewife document robber veena
These fraud indian government employees then use the monthly indian government salary gifted to them by google, tata for their section 420 fraud to further harass, stalk, torture the small business owner, with radiation weapons, causing more pain, making it difficult to work during the day.
Instead of punishing cheaters, when small business owners find that cheaters are given great powers and rewarded by the indian government, they find it difficult to trust people , and do not hire any more people leading to jobless growth
few women engineers are cursed with greedy section 420 fraud shameless powerful classmates like NTRO/R&AW employees j srinivasan, puneet, vijay, patel
Most engineers do not bother about their female engineering classmates after they leave college,and do not interfere in their lives, allowing them to lead a normal life However a harmless google competitor is unlucky to be cursed with greedy fraud shameless powerful classmates like j srinivasan, puneet, vijay, patel working in NTRO, R&AW who are ruthless in stalking, defamaing, cheating and exploiting her and stealing her resume, investment, correspondence, memory , wasting crores of indian tax payer money in the process
Just because the obc bhandari leaders and officials are mostly spineless dishonest frauds who do not value experienced trained hardworking engineers and professionals and wll take bribes from google, tata and others , the powerful fraud NTRO/R&AW employees j srinivasan, puneet, vijay, patel have been making fake allegations without any proof at all, since 2010, to defame the engineer, misuse her name, hack her computers, torture her and steal her resume,savings, computer data, steal her memory and hold her a virtual prisoner.
In 2017, these fraud NTRO?R&AW employees have managed to get their lazy fraud inexperienced sex worker, fraud girlfriends and relatives like nayanshree hathwar, asmita patel, lucrative R&AW?CBI jobs with the stolen resume of the google competitor and now conveniently refusing to reply and also refusing to purchase the domain names of the google competitor, paying the market price, though their friends and relatives are falsely claiming ownership of the domain names of the google competitor, to get a monthly indian government salary at the expense of the google competitor, engineer
R&AW/CBI employees involved in panaji narkasur donation fraud to extort money from google competitor
Though she does not spend any money online, does not do do any work online and does not have a paypal account, Google, tata’s lazy greedy obc bhandari R&AW employee panaji pampered prostitute sunaina chodan 2013 bsc (like other R&AW/CBI employees riddhi siddhi, eighth pass gujju housewife naina ) is getting a very good monthly R&AW salary for falsely claiming to have the resume, investment and paypal account of the google competitor with then help of her PIMPS in google,, tata who supply sex worker sunaina to top government employees for SEX and her powerful fraud sugar daddies in ntro like j srinivasan, puneet who falsely claim that sunaina, the 2013 bsc SEX worker was their btech 1993 ee classmate
Not satisfied with the monthly government salary she is getting only for recreational sex with government employees, the greedy lazy goan conwoman and sex worker sunaina and her associates are always looking for methods to extort money from the google competitor as she knows that google, tata , powerful fraud relatives , friends and sugar daddies in R&AW, CBI, NTRO will always pamper and protect her
Another example of how surveillance is used to extort money was provided on 5 October 2017. Though the rickshaw driver usually charges Rs 50, R&AW employee sunaina and her associates asked him to charge Rs 60.
Then again on 5 october 2017, the google competitor was cheated in a narkasur donation fraud in campal goa by a young man named nikhil, who was allegedly working for sunaina, eigtht standard pass cbi employee gujju housewife naina and her associates . The young man and his friend came to the house asking for narkasur donations. There was a list of people who had donated earlier and though the google competitor gave Rs 100, she later realized that the handwriting for all the donations were exactly the same, The fraud nikhil and his associates had written the names of the people in the area and put any imaginary amount against their name, trying to extort money from the google competitor.
For some they had indicated Rs 500 , others Rs 200, and they were expecting a matching amount from the google competitor, who gave a smaller amount as she has less money
The pen used was also not working , in another indication of the fraud.
Only the google competitor was targetted for the donation, not the neighbours as Nikhil, a thin dark complexioned young man and his associate who came asking for donation zoomed off on a scooter, they did not go door to door which is the usual practice for donations
The google competitor does not receive even blue dart slips, however these people were able to knock on the door repeatedly clear indicating that surveillance was used for extorting money
It clearly shows how ruthless google, tata employees are in causing losses to the google competitor, single woman obc bhandari engineer, domain investor in panaji, goa, after stealing the retirement savings, memory, correspondence, resume of the google competitor, blocking almost all payment, they are now using fraud methods like narkasur donation to extort money
Thus Greedy fraud R&AW/CBI government employees in panaji already getting a good salary without doing any work, investing any money extort more money from google competitor misusing the surveillance
Indian government rewarding frauds for betraying, cheating, stalking google competitor with R&AW/CBI jobs
The United states of america is a rich country and companies like google are the largest and richest in the world, because they get the help of CIA, NSA and american intelligence agencies. On the other hand, india remains one of the poorest countries in the world, with a rapidly increasing fiscal deficit and low job creation, because the indian government, R&AW, CBI, NTRO and leaders lack patriotism, vision wasting millions of dollars of indian tax payer money to destroy the life of a harmless google competitor,an indian citizen and increase the profit of american companies like google.
NTRO, CBI, R&AW and indian intelligence agencies are working so hard to increase the profit of an american company google, that anyone who is defaming, cheating, exploiting and torturing the google competitor is immediately rewarded with a R&AW/CBI job falsely claiming that the fraud has the impressive resume, investment of the google competitor, a harmless indian citizen. Just because the google competitor is getting money from paypal, the fraud security and intelligence employees are falsely labelling her as a security threat without any legally valid proof.
Indian intelligence and security agencies specialize in repeated betrayal of the person, forcing him or her to lose faith in humanity and isolate her. Till 2010, thhe google competitor, engineer, and domain investor did not face any major cheating and betrayal by any person, however it appears that google, tata BRIBED top officials, so almost everyone who she trusted cheated her
For example google, tata sponsored fraud R&AW employees mba hr ruchika king , shivalli brahmin cheater housewife bbm nayanshree hathwar, refused to reply to the google competitor after being paid a large amount of money, yet falsely claimed credit for doing work to get a monthly indian government salary at the expense of the google competitor. Similarly indore document robber R&AW employee bespectacled housewife veena stole the documents of the google competitor when she made the mistake of trusting her, and goan gsb fraud diploma holder siddhi mandrekar committed corporate espionage on the google competitor after she again made the mistake of trusting the crooked siddhi.
So organized stalking victims in India are subjected to repeated betrayal to cause mental stress, make them angry. Later voice to skull technology is used by the ntro, cbi employees to taunt the betrayal victim of how the indian government is rewarding all those who defame, exploit,CHEAT HONEST hardworking indian citizens with R&AW jobs, monthly indian government salary as part of the indian government program to reward LAZINESS AND FRAUD, resulting in a financial crisis for the entire country.