Though the engineer, domain investor is telling the truth, which can be legally proved, for 10 years,the indian and state governments are refusing to even listen to her valid complaints because the ntro employees led by Mhow cheater ntro employee puneet faked his relationship only to destroy CREDIBILITY of his engineering classmate, domain investor who he hated
Domain investors outside india believe and acknowledge her, since she is only person who is paying for and controlling the domain names, yet despite being a harmless hardworking engineer who did not cheat anyone, the indian and state governments refuse to listen to her valid complaints committing a financial fraud on her for the last 10 years
Till 2010, the engineer faced no problem at all, yet only to destroy her life, the mhow cheater ntro employee puneet FAKED his relationship with the engineer, domain investor, his btech 1993 ee classmate he HATED so that he could misuse her name, rob her correspondence, savings, trade secrets, identity and isolate her completely, without a legally valid reason
FAKING HELP, he also encouraged all his associates to CRIMINALLY DEFAME the innocent engineer, making fake allegations of cheating, circulating photoshopped videos and making fake claims of trust to justify his endless frauds, and also refused to provide any kind of information to the engineer so that she could defend herself against the criminal DEFAMATION she was subjected to
In reality the ntro employees led by mhow cheater ntro employee puneet are strangers to the engineer, domain investor who they hate, there was never any kind of relationship, yet the indian and state government, especially goan government is repeating the FAKE STORIES to justify the endless FINANCIAL FRAUDS on the engineer, domain investor, google competitor
Now the engineer, domain investor is wasting a huge amount of time and money to prove that the ntro employees are liars, they have no right to interfere in her life to falsely give their sugar babies, associates, relatives credit for her work,money spent