Usually people do not take anything from the person they hate, and are openly ridiculing, mocking, defaming and humiliating they do not MISUSE the name of the person and fake their relationship with the person who they have never contacted
the computer science class of a top college largely hates the domain investor, criticizes her, yet they do not ROB her correspondence without a legally valid reason, and do not falsely claim that their lazy greedy fraud call girl sugar babies, relatives, girlfriends have her resume, savings, investment, skills, experience denying the engineer the income and opportunities she deserved
Vijay, puneet, j srinivasan, parmar parekh patel, nikhil sha the computer science class hate the engineer, domain investor equally though she has not taken anything from them, interfered in their life or violated any law
In 2019, vijay, puneet, j srinivasan, parmar parekh patel, nikhil sha all agree openly that they hate the engineer,, domain investor, and will never contact her in her life, since she is a private citizen, has almost no time to socialize, who hardly meets anyone and almost all her correspondence is robbed by their SUGAR BABY ROBBER girlfriends raw/cbi employees especially panaji robber queen cbi employee riddhi caro nayak, the lazy greedy fraud wife and daughter of the top LIAR security agency employees
when the computer science class is open in its hatred and has not taken anything from her, why does the ee class of puneet, j srinivasan, vijay, gujju fraudsters parmar parekh patel, nikhil sha who also hate the engineer, not show the decency which the computer science class has shown towards the engineer who they hate and stop interfering in her life, misusing her name
why does vijay not tell everyone that his SUGAR BABY ruthless ROBBER riddhi nayak caro is the the lazy greedy fraud ROBBER wife and daughter of the top LIAR security agency employees of goa, nayak caro, who will help him in his career if he abuses his powers and falsely claims that panaji robber was his btech 1993 ee classmate \
why do j srinivasan, mhow cheater puneet not not tell everyone that their SUGAR BABY ruthless ROBBER goan bhandari CALL GIRL sunaina chodan is the top goan sex service provider why falsely claims that panaji robber call girl was his btech 1993 ee classmate
,why are the goan robber queen raw/cbi employees riddhi caro nayak, siddhi mandrekar, sunaina chodan, sugar babies of the ntro employees ,ROBBING the correspondence of the engineer who they hate, without a legally valid reason