For more than 8 years NTRO has mercilessly stalked, harassed and tortured a harmless single woman engineer, domain investor , google competitor because the brahmin brahmin fraud ntro employees puneet, j srinivasan claim that they are very worried about honesty , integrity morals.
Yet these same fraud ntro employees refuse to honestly admit that their slim goan bhandari girlfriend R&AW employee sunaina chodan is only lazy greedy goan PROSTITIUTE offering sex services to top indian government employees as ordered by her pimps in google, tata who have got her a R&AW job, the R&AW employee is not an engineer and is also not a domain investor . Indian government refuses to take action against brahmin fraud ntro employees puneet, j srinivasan falsely claiming goan bhandari prostitute sunaina chodan, 2013 bsc , indore document robber veena, shivalli brahmin nayanshree hathwar and others
The domain investor, being merciless harassed and defamed by ntro employees is wasting her time and money to expose the fraud of the ntro employees who refuse to acknowledge the time and money she is spending online, and falsely claim that their lazy greedy goan sex worker and other fraud friends, relatives who do not spend any money online , own the domain names
when will brahmin brahmin fraud ntro employees puneet, j srinivasan honestly admit that their goan bhandari girlfriend R&AW employee sunaina chodan is only lazy greedy goan PROSTITIUTE, not an engineer or domain investor? When the goan R&AW employee is least interested in investing time and money online, she only wishes to have sex with powerful men, why are the brahmin fraud ntro employees not honest about the fact?