Light eyed brahmin mhow cheater ntro employee puneet brutally cheated and exploited his engineering classmate who he falsely claimed to help

Home / Uncategorized / Light eyed brahmin mhow cheater ntro employee puneet brutally cheated and exploited his engineering classmate who he falsely claimed to help

One of the greatest and most cruel frauds and cheaters in India is the light eyed fair skinned brahmin mhow cheater ntro employee puneet, the director of a domlur bengaluru company who brutally cheated and exploited his harmless btech 1993 ee classmate, who he falsely and cunningly claimed to be helping and knowing her very well

The single woman engineer, domain investor and google competitor was a harmless private citizen, who had never cheated or harmed anyone, yet the cruel fraud cheater puneet ruined her life, rewarding all frauds who made completely fake allegations without any proof at all against the engineer, without giving the engineer the opportunity to defend herself against the fake allegations which she could easily do.

He also stole all the correspondence of his btech 1993 ee classmate, so that she could not defend herself against the fake allegations, refused to provide any kind of information to the engineer, causing great mental stress, forcing her to make mistakes, though he falsely claimed to know her very well. On the other hand, the engineer was not allowed to keep any information private, as the fraud cruel puneet stole all her memory using brain wave reading technology without a legally valid reason, in a clear case of human rights abuses, causing great financial losses.

Just because his blackmailer fraud friends made completely fake allegations without any proof, the fraud ntro employee puneet and his associates stole everything from her
– retirement savings
– correspondence
– memory
– identity /resume theft, giving fake references of a btech 1993 ee degree to google,tata sponsored goan prostitutes , cheater housewives and other frauds

When india claims to be a democracy where all citizens are equal, why are completely fake allegations without any legally valid proof used by governmennt employees to steal the retirement savings, correspondence, memory, identity of a private citizen, engineer without a legally valid reason, why is the single woman engineer openly discriminated against, denied her fundamental rights?

The cruel selfish Mhow cheater puneet thinks that because he has defamed his classmate so viciously, circulating her photos and videos, he will get away with his fraud , human rights abuses for the rest of his life, however the engineer and google competitor will prove that mhow cheater director of a domlur company is a fraud, liar , cheater who falsely claims that the goan prostitute R&AW employees sunaina, siddhi, his sugar babies and cheater housewives and other frauds who did not answer JEE were his btech 1993 ee classmates

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