Fraud NTRO employees fake help to steal and waste google competitors hard earned money, resume, memory and correspondence

Home / Uncategorized / Fraud NTRO employees fake help to steal and waste google competitors hard earned money, resume, memory and correspondence

The top NTRO employees are shameless frauds like the nigerian fraudsters who fake help to steal the hard earned money of people who trust them. In one of the greatest financial frauds of top NTRO employees led by puneet, j srinivasan, parmar, vijay and others, they are falsely claiming to help a google competitor, so that they can steal and waste her hard earned money leaving her bankrupt

It is very easy to make up fake defamatory stories about a person who is not liked and repeat them like parrots, no money has to be spent, However there is no reason why the person being defamed should accept his or her guilt or let it affect her, people have mouths and can say anything especially behind her back. People like the NTRO employees do not have the permission to steal and waste the hard earned money of a single woman engineer, falsely claiming to help and protect, just because frauds are making fake allegations without any proof at all, against the engineer.

However when NTRO employees waste the hard earned money of the engineer to pay those defaming her the engineer has the right to question the NTRO employees,
who authorised them to waste her hard earned money,
why did they not ask those defaming her for proof like when and where they interacted with the engineer
why are ntro employees hiding the details of those defaming her, from her like the name, address, contact details,
why is the engineer not allowed to defend herself against those defaming her
why are ntro employees blindly believing in the slander and lies of those defaming the domain investor, not asking for any legally valid evidence

More than 7 years after the google, tata masterminded online fraud started in 2010, it is clear that the ntro employees were FAKING HELP so that they could steal the impressive resume, savings, correspondence and memory of a harmless google competitor, obc bhandari engineer, and waste her hard earned money on the frauds who defamed the engineer without proof to extort money

Indian internet companies destroy the lives of their customers unlike foreign companies

Home / Uncategorized / Indian internet companies destroy the lives of their customers unlike foreign companies

A google competitor and india’s largest female domain investor has observed that indian internet companies are extremely vicious in destroying the life of their customers, defaming them without any proof at all, betraying and cheating them at every opportunity.

For example these indian companies are making it extremely difficult to sell domains at a fair price, duping potential buyers with their extremely defamatory lies causing great losses, On the other hand, non indian companies have some humanity and try to help their customers sell the domains, to make some money and cover the domain related expenses.

So tired of being defamed, cheated and exploited by indian internet companies which specialize in dhokha, indian domain investors are moving their domains abroad making a mockery of make in India

NTRO, indian government falsely claims google, tata sponsored R&AW employee panaji pampered prostitute owns investment of private citizen, google competitor

Home / Uncategorized / NTRO, indian government falsely claims google, tata sponsored R&AW employee panaji pampered prostitute owns investment of private citizen, google competitor

The indian media like india today, republic tv cover the news of baba ram rahim, nityanand in a rape case yet refuse to cover the fact that top NTRO, CBI, indian intelligence and security agency, google, tata employees are involved in far worse PROSTITUTION racket, falsely claiming that lazy greedy google, tata sponsored R&AW employee panaji pampered prostitute slim goan obc bhandari slut sunaina chodan 2013 bsc who offers SEX services to top indian government employees has the impressive resume including btech 1993 ee degree , investment, paypal account of a private citizen, a google competitor with a better 1989 jee rank than google ceo sundar pichai to pay the google,tata sponsored SEX worker a monthly R&AW salary.

Just because the lazy greedy google, tata sponsored R&AW employee panaji pampered prostitute sunaina offers SEX services to top indian government employees, the hypocrite indian government is shamelessly pampering the sex worker, falsely claiming that she has a btech 1993 ee degree to justify the monthly R&AW salary the goan prostitute is getting at the expense of the google competitor, though the R&AW employee sex worker sunaina was not born in 1989 to give jee 1989 and get a btech 1993 degree,

Just like the baba ram rahim rape case, the google competitor and engineer is not offering sex and money bribes to the ntro employees, so they are putting her under surveillance and then falsely claiming that those who offer sex and money bribes to the ntro employees like R&AW employees goan sex workers sunaina, siddhi, veena, nayanshree hathwar and others own the paypal account, investment and have the resume of the google competitor to get them a monthly salary. Why do the 10 lazy greedy google, tata sponsored fraud R&AW/CBI employees faking a btech 1993 ee degree not use their legally earned investment, why are they falsely claiming to own the investment of a private citizen, google competitor to defame the google competitor

In some ways baba ram rahim is better than the sex, money bribe taking ntro employees as at least the baba was using his own money, the ntro, cbi, raw, security agency employees are wasting a huge amount of indian tax payer money in the process, crores of rupees annually since 2010 to enjoy free sex, and get money bribes from frauds like riddhi, naina, nayanshree, veena.

Action speak louder than words in NTRO sex racket, resume theft, FINANCIAL fraud

Home / Uncategorized / Action speak louder than words in NTRO sex racket, resume theft, FINANCIAL fraud

Indian government gives great powers to NTRO employees, however it does not have any systems to prevent the abuse of power by these fraud NTRO employees. The NTRO employees like puneet, parmar, j srinivasan are some of the greatest conmen in India, falsely claiming to help vulnerable single women domain investors, paypal account holders , when actually they are doing everything possible to destroy their life, finances, reputation

If the NTRO employees are so status conscious that they do not wish to communicate with a private citizen, being defamed without proof by the fraud google, tata employees, they also do not have the right to misuse her name, make fake claims about her business, However since 2010, the fraud ntro employees like parmar, puneet, j srinivasan, vijay, patel and others have shamelessly abused their powers, to steal the impressive resume, correspondence, investment and memory of single woman engineer, a google competitor with a better 1989 jee rank than google ceo sundar pichai

Many actions speak louder than words in this great FINANCIAL FRAUD of NTRO employees
– why are they not asking people making fake allegations for proof of cheating
– why are they refusing to provide details of those making fake allegations to the google competitor so that she can defend herself
– why are they wasting the hard earned money of the single woman engineer on frauds making fake allegations without proof
– why are they stealing the resume, correspondence of the engineer
– why are they intentionally causing great losses to the engineer, blocking her payment, closing her account
– why are they ruining the reputation of an innocent woman who has not cheated or harmed anyone.

After more than 7 years of the google, tata masterminded fraud , which started in 2010, is time that the fraud NTRO employees are honest about their dislike and hatred of the google competitor and india’s largest female domain investor, instead of falsely claiming to help her and duping people, companies and countries with their lies about her online business like falsely claiming that shivalli brahmin R&AW employee cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar, a ruthless fraud writes content including the content for this website

R&AW/CBI jobs for all those who defame, betray, cheat and exploit google competitor

Home / Uncategorized / R&AW/CBI jobs for all those who defame, betray, cheat and exploit google competitor

Google has developed a very effective way of destroying competition in India, getting lucrative R&AW/CBI jobs with fake resumes for every person who will defame, cheat, betray, exploit and torture a harmless domain investor, single woman engineer and google competitor with a better 1989 jee rank that google ceo sundar pichai, falsely claiming that the persons who cheats, betrays has the impressive resume and investment of the google competitor.
Usually a person who is cheated or betrayed will try to get justice, however in case of the google competitor, she finds that all the lazy greedy mediocre inexperienced goan sex workers, cheater housewives, blackmailers and frauds who cheated, defamed, exploited her are getting lucrative R&AW/CBI jobs falsely claiming that these lazy frauds have her impressive resume, investment.
When the google competitor will complain about the fraud that she is being subjected to by the fraud NTRO, CBI employees, people are labelling her as a security threat, questioning her sanity
Financial records will easily expose the google, tata masterminded online financial identity theft fraud, sex racket, however top level google, tata employees completely control the indian government so the financial fraud which started in 2010 is not investigated to end the wastage of indian tax payer money and denial of fundamental rights to the google competitor
Each of the google, tata sponsored fraud R&AW/CBI employees will be described in great detail.

After stealing resume, investment of google competitor, single woman engineer, fraud NTRO employees refuse to communicate

Home / Uncategorized / After stealing resume, investment of google competitor, single woman engineer, fraud NTRO employees refuse to communicate

A single woman engineer, google competitor alone has worked very hard for her resume, investment, making great sacrifices , yet in a major google, tata masterminded online fraud, they are refusing to reply to her , after shamelessly misusing her name and stealing her impressive resume for their lazy greedy mediocre fraud girlfriends, relatives and sex partners.
Usually no one is authorized to misuse the name of a private citizen, unless she has specifically given the person, the power of attorney. In the case of the single woman engineer, a google competitor with a better 1989 jee rank than google ceo sundar pichai, she finds that ntro employees like puneet, j srinivasan, who have not communicated with her for more than 20 years , are shamelessly and falsely claiming to know her very well to steal her impressive resume, correspondence, investment and memory.
They are falsely pretending to help and protect her, when they are actually causing great losses by rewarding every person making fake allegations without any proof at all, against her for more than 7 years, since 2010. If the NTRO employees are so status conscious that they do not wish to communicate with a private citizen, being defamed by the fraud google, tata employees, they also do not have the right to misuse her name, make fake claims about her business

Income tax returns will prove that the google, tata sponsored goan obc bhandari R&AW employee sunaina is not an investor she is getting a R&AW salary for SEX services

Home / Uncategorized / Income tax returns will prove that the google, tata sponsored goan obc bhandari R&AW employee sunaina is not an investor she is getting a R&AW salary for SEX services

One of the greatest frauds of google, tata, ntro, cbi employees is that they are pampering and giving great powers to google, tata sponsored goan obc bhandari R&AW employee sex worker sunaina chodan 2013 bsc, supplied by tata to government employees for SEX , falsely claiming that the goan sex worker owns the investment,paypal account has the resume including btech 1993 ee degree of a google competitor with a better 1989 jee rank than google ceo sundar pichai, obc bhandari engineer, domain investor
Financial records including income tax returns will clearly prove that the google, tata sponsored goan obc bhandari R&AW employee sunaina chodan does not have any investment online and relatively less investment offline, as she has just started her career, yet in one of the greatest financial frauds , cunning shameless cheater ntro employees j srinivasan, puneet and others are falsely claiming that the goan sex worker owns the investment of a google competitor to get the google, tata supplied obc bhandari SEX worker a monthly R&AW salary at the expense of the google competitor,domain investor and obc bhandari engineer

The fraud brahmin and other NTRO, cbi employees are involved in a great DHOKHA and SEX racket, why are ntro employees not honest that their favorite goan sex worker and girlfriend google, tata sponsored goan obc bhandari R&AW employee sunaina chodan 2013 bsc is not interested in investing any money online at all, does not have a paypal account and has relatively less investment offline compared to the google competitor, india’s largest female domain investor whose resume, investment, google, tata sponsored goan obc bhandari R&AW employee sunaina falsely claims to have to get a monthly R&AW salary

like the R&AW employee indore fraud veena and others, why does google, tata sponsored goan obc bhandari R&AW employee sunaina not work hard to legally save and invest money in her own name, why is she offering SEX bribes to section 420 fraud ntro, cbi employees to abuse their powers and make fake claims, defaming, cheating and exploiting a harmless google competitor.

Google, tata sponsored CBI employee goan gsb fraud housewife riddhi nayak panaji’s top extortionist

Home / Uncategorized / Google, tata sponsored CBI employee goan gsb fraud housewife riddhi nayak panaji’s top extortionist

In one of the greatest online, impersonation frauds, a powerful fraud NTRO employee vijay falsely claiming to help a google competitor has diverted all her correspondence to his real girlfriend the goan gsb fraud housewife riddhi nayak who looks like kangana ranaut, falsely claiming that the housewife who never answered JEE, was their btech 1993 ee classmate .
The fraud ntro employee vijay is not connected with his btech 1993 ee classmate in any way at all in 2017, yet following the footsteps of the great fraud perfected by other ntro employees like puneet, j srinivasan, parmar, he is falsely claiming to know a domain investor, google competitor, very well, to steal her resume, investment, correspondence and memory for his mediocre lazy greedy fraud girlfriend goan gsb fraud riddhi nayak to get her a lucrative cbi job with the stolen resume of the obc bhandari engineer.
A spineless fraud and liar, ntro employee vijay does not have the honesty and courage to be honest about the resume,experience and investment, of his mediocre lazy greedy girlfriend goan gsb fraud housewife riddhi nayak, is stalking his classmate and diverting all her correspondence to his real girlfriend.
It is one of the greatest frauds, goan gsb cheater housewife riddhi nayak and her associates the powerful goan gsb fraud mafia of caro, mandrekar, nayak are doing everything possible to defame, cheat, exploit and torture the domain investor, cause financial losses, and then they shamelessly and falsely claim that their fraud relatives own the paypal account, domain names of the obc bhandari single woman engineer
Because of the diversion of correspondence in panaji, goa, the domain investor cannot make any outgoing phone call, almost all are blocked as riddhi and her associates are demanding and getting bribes
Financial records like income tax returns will prove that google, tata sponsored goan gsb fraud housewife riddhi nayak, like raw employees sunaina, siddhi, nayanshree, veena, asmita patel and others do not invest any money online, do not have a paypal account and have no major savings of their own.

NTRO,CBI, security agency, R&AW propaganda promoting pampered panaji PROSTITUTE R&AW employee as paypal account holder

Home / Uncategorized / NTRO,CBI, security agency, R&AW propaganda promoting pampered panaji PROSTITUTE R&AW employee as paypal account holder

google has 95% market share in india because NTRO,CBI, security agency, R&AW, indian government are ruthless in wasting crores of rupees of indian tax payer money in defaming a google competitor, refusing to acknowledge the money and time spent online and spreading false propaganda promoting pampered panaji PROSTITUTE R&AW employee slim goan obc bhandari sunaina chodan 2013 bsc supplied by google, tata to NTRO, cbi employees for sex and other frauds like nayanshree, veena who do no work online,, do not spend any money online own the paypal account, investment of a harmless google competitor with a better 1989 jee rank than google ceo sundar pichai, obc bhandari engineer and domain investment.

pampered panaji PROSTITUTE R&AW employee slim goan obc bhandari sunaina chodan 2013 bsc supplied by google, tata to NTRO, cbi employees for sex and other frauds only provides SEX services to indian security, intelligence, ntro, cbi employees and does not deal with any foreign customer as she is too lazy and mediocre to compete internationally, yet to encourage SEX tourism and pamper sex workers the indian government is falsely claiming that pampered panaji PROSTITUTE R&AW employee slim goan obc bhandari sunaina chodan 2013 bsc supplied by google, tata to NTRO, cbi employees for sex and other frauds owns the paypal account of a google competitor, a private citizen to pay the prostitute a monthly R&AW salary at the expense of the google competitor

Financial records including income tax returns will prove that lazy greedy google, tata sponsored pampered panaji PROSTITUTE R&AW employee sunaina chodan does not have a paypal account and has never made any money online, the indian government has hired her only for SEX.

Goan gsb fraud diploma holder siddhi mandrekar gets R&AW job for corporate espionage on a google competitor, obc bhandari engineer

Home / Uncategorized / Goan gsb fraud diploma holder siddhi mandrekar gets R&AW job for corporate espionage on a google competitor, obc bhandari engineer

In one of the greatest online, impersonation frauds, a powerful fraud NTRO employee puneet falsely claiming to help a google competitor has diverted all her correspondence to his real girlfriend the goan gsb fraud diploma holder siddhi mandrekar , falsely claiming that the diploma holder who never answered JEE, was their btech 1993 ee classmate. Earlier the goan gsb fraud diploma holder had committed corporate espionage on the google competitor when she made the mistake of trusting her .
The fraud ntro employee puneet is not connected with his btech 1993 ee classmate in any way at all in 2017, yet following the footsteps of the great fraud perfected by other ntro employees like j srinivasan, parmar, he is falsely claiming to know a domain investor, google competitor, very well, to steal her resume, investment, correspondence and memory for his mediocre lazy greedy fraud girlfriend goan gsb fraud diploma holder siddhi mandrekar to get her a lucrative R&AW job with the stolen resume of the obc bhandari engineer.

A spineless fraud and liar, ntro employee puneet does not have the honesty and courage to be honest about the resume,experience and investment, of his mediocre lazy greedy girlfriend goan gsb fraud diploma holder siddhi mandrekar, is stalking his classmate and diverting all her correspondence to his real girlfriend.
It is one of the greatest frauds, goan gsb fraud diploma holder siddhi mandrekar and her associates the powerful goan gsb fraud mafia of caro, mandrekar, nayak are doing everything possible to defame, cheat, exploit and torture the domain investor, cause financial losses, and then they shamelessly and falsely claim that their fraud relatives own the paypal account, domain names of the obc bhandari single woman engineer
Because of the diversion of correspondence in panaji, goa, the domain investor cannot make any outgoing phone call, almost all are blocked as siddhi and her associates are demanding and getting bribes
Financial records like income tax returns will prove that google, tata sponsored goan gsb fraud diploma holder siddhi mandrekar, like raw/cbi employees sunaina, riddhi, nayanshree, veena, asmita patel and others do not invest any money online, do not have a paypal account and have no major savings of their own.