One of the greatest frauds of the goan, MP, indian government, google, tata is how they are repeating the complete lies of the brahmin mhow cheater ntro employee puneet regarding the google competitor, to justify the theft of the identity, resume, savings, memory, correspondence of the google competitor, his btech 1993 ee classmate since 2010, when actually there is no connection at all in college or later .
In engineering college, anyone who was in the college at that time, is aware of the fact that Vrushali was the girlfriend of brahmin mhow cheater ntro employee puneet, they would be spotted together, the google competitor never had any boyfriend in the college or later. The mhow cheater ntro employee puneet, like j srinivasan, vijay and others were just like any of the 60 engineering classmates in the EE class of 1993, there was hardly any interaction. The google competitor was a very sincere student who attended all classes very regularly and focussed on her studies alone in college.
For 8 years since 2010, the indian, goa, mp and other state governments are repeating the lies of mhow cheater puneet to justify the monthly raw/cbi salary to bengaluru shivalli cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar, 2005 bbm from bhandarkars college of arts and science, kundapura,siddhi mandrekar, veena, deepika, asmita patel and others who the mhow cheater falsely claims were his btech 1993 ee classmates, when these women never answered JEE, never got admission to the college, never completed the course and never worked as engineers
the engineering colleagues of the google competitor, engineer respected her far more for her hard work and intelligence, they correctly predicted that she was very unlikely to get married, because most men would have an inferiority complex in front of her because she is very intelligent. Some of the other classmates also treat her with more respect than the fraud ntro employees, and think that it is very cruel of the mhow cheater puneet and others to circulate the photos of a single woman engineer worldwide without her permission, putting her life in great danger
Even now, despite google, tata’s extremely vicious defamation campaign against the google competitor, domain investors from other countries tell the google competitor that she is very intelligent she will do very well, make a lot of money if she leaves India, in india she is facing problems because corruption levels in India are very high. Others tell her , that they are closely monitoring all her comments and posts
So when the goan, MP, indian government, google, tata is how they are repeating the complete lies of the brahmin mhow cheater ntro employee puneet and others regarding the google competitor, it is a clear case of defamation, cheating, exploitation and discrimination, why does a ntro employee have the right to steal the identity, memory, correspondence and savings of a single woman engineer, which she alone has worked very hard for , when the woman engineer is a stranger to the ntro employee, who hates her
An open question to the Indian government why did the 10 google, tata sponsored raw/cbi employees faking a btech 1993 ee degree like bengaluru shivalli brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar, 2005 bbm from bhandarkars college of arts and science, kundapura , to get a monthly government salary at the expense of the engineer, google competitor, not answer JEE and get a good enough JEE rank, why is the indian government hiring women as R&AW/cbi employees based solely on the lies of fraud ntro employees like mhow cheater puneet, vijay, j srinivasan, parmar, patel, who falsely claim to know the engineer, their btech 1993 ee classmate , when it can be legally proved that she is a complete stranger to them.